segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011

Festa de Final de Ano

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands up! Hands down!
Look at me, everyone!
Sing the song!
Hands up! Hands down!

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands up! Hands down!
Look at me, everyone!
Sing the song!
Hands up! Hands down!

Stand up! Sit down!
Stand up! Sit down!
Look at me, everyone!
Sing the song!
Stand up! Sit down!

Stand up! Sit down!
Stand up! Sit down!
Look at me, everyone!
Sing the song!
Stand up! Sit down!

The Irish Are Coming

Oh, the Irish are coming,
the Irish are singing.
The Irish are laughing,
their church bells are ringing.
The Irish are coming,
they all wearing green.
The Irish are marching
on March seventeen!  

Oh, the Irish are coming,
the Irish are singing.
Their drummers are drumming,
their church bells are ringing.
Their children are dancing,
they're all wearing green.
The Irish are marching
on March seventeen.

Trabalhos realizados pelos alunos do 1ºA, 1ºB, 2ºA, 2ºB, 3ºA e 4ºC da Escola Sede.

Animal boogie woogie woo

What can a cat  do?
What can a cat do?
A cat can jump, a cat can run.
And a cat can do the boogie woogie woo.

And a cat can do the boogie woogie woo.

Do the boogie! Do the boogie!
Miaow, miaow, miaow,

miaow, miaow, miaow.
Do the boogie woogie woo.

What can a dog do?
What can a dog do?
A dog can jump, a dog can play
And a dog can do the boogie woogie woo

Do the boogie! Do the boogie!
Woof, woof,woof
Do the Boogie woogie woo!

What can a bird do?
What can a bird do?
A bird can jump, a bird can fly
And a bird can do the boogie woogie woo
 And a bird can do the boogie woogie woo.

Do the boogie! Do the boogie!
Tweet, tweet, tweet
Tweet, tweet, tweet
Do the Boogie woogie woo!

And a dog can do the boogie woogie woo

What can a frog do?
What can a frog do?
A frog can jump, a frog can swim
And a frog can do the boogie woogie woo

And a frog can do the boogie woogie woo.
Do the boogie! Do the boogie!
Ribbit,ribbit, ribbit
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit
Do the Boogie woogie woo!

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

Colour song

Colour song

Red and yellow, green and blue,
Pink and purple, orange too,
Black and white, brown and grey,
My coat is all these
colour today!
If you’re wearing
the colour I name,
Stand up and clap
to play the game.

Head and shoulders

Head and shoulders

Head and shoulders
knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Head and shoulders
knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Eyes and ears
and mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders
knees and toes,
knees and toes.

Head and shoulders
knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Head and shoulders
knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Eyes and ears
and mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders
knees and toes,
knees and toes.

If you're happy and you know it

If you're happy and you know it

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it stamp your feet!
If you’re happy and you know it stamp your feet!
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it stamp your feet!

If you’re happy and you know it say “We are!”
If you’re happy and you know it say “We are!”
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it say “We are!”

terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011

Touch your nose

Actividade realizada pelos alunos do 1ºA, 1ºB, 2ºA e 2ºB da Escola Sede.

Touch your nose

domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

Mother's Day

Para o Dia da Mãe, os alunos fizeram postais, em Inglês, para presentear as suas mães.

sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

What's the matter?

Como o nosso Crocodile é muito esperto conseguiu que todos os animais tivessem pena dele, será que mesmo assim conseguiu comer?

What's the matter?

What's the matter? What's the matter?
I've got a headache. I've got a headache.
Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
Snap, snap, snap.
Snap, snap, snap!

What's the matter? What's the matter?
I've got a tummy ache. I've got a tummy ache.
Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
Snap, snap, snap.
Snap, snap, snap!

What's the matter? What's the matter?
I've got an earache. I've got an earache.
Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
Snap, snap, snap.
Snap, snap, snap!
(in, Little Bugs 2, MacMillan)

Actividade realizada pelos alunos das turmas 3ºA, 3ºB, 4ºA, 4ºB e 4ºC da Escola Sede, 2ºC e 3ºC da Boa Esperança.